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What is Terra Station?Terra Station is the official wallet of the Terra blockchain.
How do I create a Terra wallet?1. Open the Terra Station desktop app and click New wallet. 2. Type in a secure wallet name and password. 3. Confirm your password. 4. Using a pen and paper, write down your 24-word seed phrase exactly as it appears. Number each word to make verifying easier. Protect your seed phrase Anyone with your seed phrase can access your money, and there is no recourse for someone stealing your seed phrase. To protect your seed phrase, consider the following tips: Never save or store your seed phrase as a digital file on any device. Always write down your seed phrase with a pen and paper. Store the paper with your seed phrase on it somewhere safe. Never give your seed phrase to anyone, not even support staff. Verify your writing to make sure every word is spelled correctly and in the right order. If you numbered your phrase, it can be helpful to verify it backward. Check the box ensuring you wrote down your seed phrase, and click Next. Confirm your seed phrase by typing or selecting the correct words in each prompt. Click Create a wallet. Congratulations! You have just created a Terra Station wallet.
How do I connect to a wallet previously accessed on my device?Open Terra Station and click Connect. Click Select wallet and select the wallet you want to connect to. Enter the password of the wallet and click Next. Terra Station is now connected to your selected wallet. To change wallets, disconnect your wallet and follow these steps again How do I connect to a wallet using a private key? Use a private key to access your wallet from other devices. Unlike recovering your wallet using a seed phrase, private keys allow you to keep your wallet name and password. Follow these steps to connect to an existing wallet using a private key. You will need access to your existing wallet.
How do I export or import my private key?Export your private key Open Terra Station and connect to your wallet. Locate your wallet address on Terra Station. Click the gear icon next to your wallet address. Click Export private key. Enter your password and click Generate key. You can now access your private key. Do not share your private key with anyone. Anyone with your private key and password can access your account. Import your private key Open Terra Station and click Connect. Click Import private key. Enter your private key and password. Click Submit. Your private key has been imported to the device you are using. You can now use your wallet name and password to access your wallet on your device. Repeat this process for any device you wish to access your wallet.
How do I connect to a wallet using a QR code ?Use a QR code to access your wallet on a mobile device. Unlike recovering your wallet using a seed phrase, QR codes allow you to keep your wallet name and password. Follow these steps to connect to an existing wallet using a private key QR code. You will need access to your existing wallet.
How do I import or export my QR code?Export your QR code using the mobile app Open the Terra Station app and connect to your wallet. Tap the gear icon in the upper right corner of the app. Click Export wallet with QR code. Enter your password. You can now access your private key QR code. Do not share your private key with anyone. Anyone with your private key and password can access your account. Import your QR code Open the Terra Station app and tap Recover wallet. Tap Scan QR code. Scan your QR code using your device’s camera and enter your password. Tap Next. Your private key has been imported to the device you are using. You can now use your wallet name and password to access your wallet on your device. Repeat this process for any device you wish to access your wallet.
How do I recover my wallet using a seed phrase?If you forgot or deleted your login info, you can recover a wallet using your seed phrase. You can also use this method to change your wallet name. Open Terra Station and click Connect. Click Recover existing wallet. Enter a wallet name and password. Confirm your password. Enter your seed phrase and click Next. You can now access your wallet with your login and password.
How do I disconnect from my wallet?Locate your wallet address on Terra Station. Click the gear icon next to your wallet address. Select disconnect from the options. Your wallet is now disconnected.
How can I delete my wallet?Deleting a wallet deletes the wallet name, password, and private key from your device. You can access the wallet again by entering your seed phrase or private key and password. Deleting a wallet from one device does not delete it from other devices. Write down your seed phrase Before you delete your wallet, always make sure you have your seed phrase and private key. Never store your seed phrase on a digital device. Without a seed phrase or private key and password, your wallet and funds will be permanently inaccessible. Always store your seed phrase in a secure location. Open Terra Station and connect to your wallet. Locate your wallet address on Terra Station. Click the gear icon next to your wallet address. Select Delete wallet. Follow the prompt and click Delete. Your wallet is now deleted. You can only access it again by entering your seed phrase or private key and password.
How can I change my password on Terrastation?Follow these steps to change your password. Changing your password only changes your wallet password on a single device. Repeat these steps to change your wallet password on other devices. Open Terra Station and connect to your wallet. Locate your wallet address on Terra Station. Click the gear icon next to your wallet address. Select Change password from the options. Enter your current password and your new password. Confirm your new password. Click Change password. Your wallet password is now changed on your device. Repeat these steps to change your wallet password on other devices.
How can I stake Luna Classic?Stake your Lunc to a validator to start earning rewards. Before you stake, make sure you have Lunc in your wallet. You can transfer Lunc from an exchange or swap coins you have for Lunc. Open Terra Station and click Staking. Select a Validator and click on their name in the Moniker column of the validator list. In the My delegations section, click Delegate. A new window will appear. In the Amount field, specify the amount of Luna you want to delegate, and click Next. Keep coins for fees Always keep some coins to pay fees with. Never stake your entire wallet amount. Without money for fees, you can’t make any transactions. Double check the amounts and fees. Enter your password and click Delegate. Congratulations, you’ve just delegated Lunc!
How can withdraw my staking rewards?Rewards start accruing the moment you stake Luna. Monitor your rewards in the staking section of Terra Station. Once you have sufficient rewards, follow these steps to withdraw them: Open Terra Station and click Staking. To claim all rewards, click Withdraw all rewards in the upper right corner of the staking page. To withdraw rewards only from a single validator, click on their name in the list and click withdraw on their page. A new window will appear. Review the amounts and specify which coin you want to pay fees in. Enter your password and click withdraw. Congratulations, you’ve just withdrawn your staking rewards!
How can I redelegate my Luna Classic?Redelegating lets you transfer staked Lunc from one validator to another without waiting the 21-day unstaking period. Redelegating happens instantly. Warning When a user redelegates staked Luna from one validator to another, the validator receiving the staked Luna is barred from making further redelegation transactions for 21 days. This requirement only applies to the wallet that made the redelegation transaction. Open Terra Station and connect your wallet. Click Staking. Click on the validator you want to redelegate to. Under the My delegations section, click Redelegate. Select the validator you would like to redelegate from. Enter the amount of Luna you want to redelegate. Confirm the amounts. Enter your password and click Redelegate. Your staked Luna will be transferred to the new validator.
How can I undelagate my luna classic?Undelegate Luna to unstake it from a validator. The unstaking period takes 21 days to complete. Warning Once started, the delegating or undelegating processes can’t be stopped. Undelegating takes 21 days to complete. The only way to undo a delegating or undelegating transaction is to wait for the unbonding process to pass. Alternatively, you can redelegate staked Luna to a different validator without waiting 21 days. Open Terra Station and connect your wallet. Click Staking. Click on the validator you want to unstake from. Click Undelegate under the My delegations section. Enter the amount of Luna you want to undelegate. Click Next. Confirm the amounts. Enter your password and click Undelegate. Your staked Luna is unbonding. Please check back in 21 days to complete the process.
How can I vote on a proposal ?Voting is an important way for community members to help the Terra protocol evolve. Follow these steps to vote with your staked Lunc. Open Terra Station and connect your wallet. In the sidebar, click Governance. Click on Voting to view the active proposals. Click on the proposal you want to vote on. In the upper right corner, click Vote. Select your vote and enter your password. Click Submit. Your vote will be submitted.
Which exchanges do we need to eventually reach out to and encourage to implement the 1.2%?Binance. KuCoin. Coinbase. Kraken. Gemini. Those are the big players who appear to be financially stable and capable of helping. Once we are burning ON CHAIN we will politely reach out to these exchanges for participation in the burn.
What other VALID projects/coins/tokens are implementing any sort of a burn?PayBolt announced this on Twitter on 7/19/22: *DISCLAIMER* - These links are presented for informational purposes only and are NOT specifically endorsed by @Vegas or the TerraRebels. DYOR What NEW projects are being set up on Luna Classic network? There are several TBA but right now the focus is on completing the code to properly burn LUNC. Aside from @StarShip is anyone else accepting LUNC as currency and then burning? If you know of a verified and trusted source for others who are doing this, please let us know and we will update the FAQ.
What is the deal with USTC? Is anyone working to repeg it?There is a team within TerraRebels that is working on USTC. The goal is eventually repeg USTC to $1 USD which in theory is possible but will take TIME and a lot of work. Once the LUNC burn is up and running successfully, the team with shift their focus to USTC and the repeg. Assuming USTC is repegged to $1 will it be collateralized or have some sort of “fail safe” or “stops” to preventexploitation or depegging in the future? Ideally yes but this is just all talk and hypothetical at this point. We will post details as this unfolds. Assuming USTC is repegged to $1, will it be re-linked to LUNC to burn the LUNC supply? Again, that is the ideal situation and the future hope as this is the unique mechanism that drives utility and value. Still, this is all hypothetical as there is a mountain of work that must be tackled first. We will post details as this unfolds. If USTC and LUNC are re-linked, won’t the algorithm automatically start minting more LUNC and USTC? No. The Burn/Mint algorithm was disabled. Ideally, any re-enabling of the mechanism would most likely have to be presentedand voted on in the Governance portion of Luna Classis on TerraStation. This is all speculation and hypothetical as the burn is the #1 priority now. We’ll cross this USTC/LUNC/Algorithm bridge as the LUNC supply dwindles. If USTC and LUNC are no longer liked together, why is their price action highly correlated? No idea. Most likely it’s a psychological link as the two have always been spoken of together. There have been conflicting reports on whether USTC will be set up to deploy the 1.2% tax burn as well. What’s the real story? Good question without a definitive answer at this point. The coding to apply the 1.2% burn tax to USTChas been setup on TestNet and has been tested. The hope is to have USTC speed the burn of LUNC. When asked if USTC would be applying the burn tax as well, EK826 answered “Yes” in a Discord post. The only other thing we havebeen able to confirm is that as of this update, any burning of USTC WILL NOT START ON OR AROUND THE AUGUST 12 th DATE that has been mentioned to apply the burn code to the LUNC MainNet. That is all we can confirm at the moment. As soon as we can confirm more details, they will be posted here. The supply of LUNC and USTC keep increasing. Why is that? Pay attention to the number you’re looking at. There are two “Supply” metrics. Total Supply and Circulating Supply. The terms are self-explanatory. What you are likely seeing is the fluctuation of the Circulating Supply as people move coins in and out of cold/hot wallets and in and out of different accounts. What you want to keep an eye on is the Total Supply once full scale burning of LUNC is in place.The goal is to get that # down to 10 Billion Total Supply as fast as possible.
How long will it take to burn down to the 10 Billion Goal of LUNC?There is no way to know for certain as there are far too many variables. Stephen Hawking might have been able to make a good guess but unfortunately, he is no longer with us. From a statistical standpoint, the burn will likely follow an S curve. Slow burn…followed by a RAPID and sustained period of burning…followed by an extremely slow period of burning. As a metric though, think of this; If I an individual burn 1 LUNC coin every second of every day for an entire year, I will only burn 31,449,600 coins. If I do that for 100 years, I will only burn a little over 3 Billion of the 6.5 Trillion total supply so there is A LOT of burning to do. What if a person or entity holds more coins than the 10 Billion goal we want to burn down to? In practicality, if I hold any LUNC coins and never buy or sell, the supply will never settle at the 10 Billion goal without additional measures being taken to burn more coins or reduce supply. This issue will have to be addressed AFTER the burn is up and running successfully.
How many validators do we need on board to implement the 1.2% tax/burn parameter change on chain?They’re effectively dead in the water. They will be unable to process transactions on the blockchain, stake, or validate for LUNC, as they will have the OLD CODE that will no longer work properly with the Blockchain. . When will NEW validators be allowed on board? Hopefully by October or November. This assumes there are no issues with the new codes.
Is anyone actively reaching out to any of the Metaverse players about LUNC being added to their projects?We need more volunteers with knowledge of this space to help us with this in a professional way. If you know any key people at the Metaverse firms, please let us know and loop Vegas or one of the Admins in with them. Some of these burn coins seems to be a real and eager to help burn LUNC with their new token. How do we know theseare real and not scams? We don’t and honestly, we won’t trust any of these new burn coins until they show full transparency to include who is on the team, the whitepaper, a real audit etc. Remain skeptical and beware of scams or get rich quick schemes. On one of these projects, I asked for a list of their Principal/Founders along with their CV (Curriculum Vitae). I (Mojave) was immediately banned. As always DYOR and this is in no way Financial Advice of any kind.
Are we expecting to eventually control @terrac_money on Twitter as the “Official” handle for LUNC or will there be another handle set up?Vegas has DM’d Do Kwon many times. We are hopeful he will soon turn the handle over so we can post there.
Will Do Kwon ever truly support the Luna Classic community?Highly unlikely but who knows? When USTC depegged Do Kwon panicked and bailed on Luna Classic and started LUNA2. We expect zero help or support aside from cryptic tweets. That being said, anything is possible, and we wouldn’t be surprised if he chimed in at some point or offered to assist TR with their work. It is without a doubt in his best interest to help. Who are the TerraRebels and what exactly are they doing? A group of strictly volunteer like-minded individuals from around the world who believe in LUNC/USTC and the community. They are working hard to implement the proposals, the community voted on to help LUNC recover. Let me repeat the VOLUNTEER part again. VOLUNTEER. UNPAID
Will the TerraRebels be taking control of the Blockchain from TFL?Absolutely not. No entity owns or has any specific control over the Blockchain. Think of the TerraRebels as Blockchain managers. TerraRebels manages the technology/coding side of things based upon the governance proposals and votes of the community.
What’s the verified authentic address to send LUNC to be burned?terra1sk06e3dyexuq4shw77y3dsv480xv42mq73anxu What is the best source for Luna Classic updates? Twitter @lunaclassicdevs Telegram: How can I communicate directly with the TerraRebels? As always please be professional and polite in your communications. We are group of VOLUNTEERS working FBO the Luna Classic/USTC
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